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7 Types of Energy-Saving Household Appliances

04 Sep 2017

Renovation Essentials

Doing our part to reduce energy wastage is important in saving the environment. And now that there is a 30% price hike on water consumption, saving energy isn’t just the environmentally-friendly thing to do, it’s also a clever financial move! It’s so easy to go green with these appliances you can add to your home today.

1. Water Saving Tap Attachments

When we turn on the tap, we don’t think twice about how much water we are using. It is common to have the tap at full blast, while the amount of water actually needed might be much less. There are many attachable tap extensions, such as water aerators, that can help you to save water. In March this year, the national water agency, PUB, also announced that less efficient water taps will be phased out to promote water conservation.

2. Washing Machines

Kitchen and Bathroom by Love Home Interior Design

An essential appliance in every household, it is worthwhile to consider one that can save water and electricity. Look for washing machines with NEA’s Energy Labels and PUB’s Water Efficiency Labels to choose the most energy and water efficient products. Another interesting aspect to consider is choosing front loading washing machines – they are more efficient than top loading ones!


3. Air Conditioner and Fans

Image by Panasonic

In hot and humid Singapore, air conditioning and fans are a must. Choose one that has a high energy efficiency rating, as indicated by the NEA labels. Instead of getting a fixed air conditioning unit, you can also consider a portable unit to use as and when.

4. LED Lights

Light your home with energy efficient options, such as LED lights. They use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescents, and can last up to 25 times longer, according to the US Department of Energy.

5. Electronic Timer Plug

It’s easy to forget to turn off the switch when you’re leaving your devices to charge. This can result in ‘phantom’ leakages of electricity, where devices that are plugged in continue to draw power. Electronic timer plugs help to solve this by acting as a timed ‘off’ switch.

6. Smart Appliances

New technologies, especially smart home appliances, can be effective in reducing energy wastage. A wide variety of smart home systems can be found nowadays, allowing you to connect home appliances to your mobile device. If you’ve forgotten to turn off the air con after leaving the house, you can now easily switch it off via your mobile device!!

7. Electronic Stoves 

Ceranfeld / Wikimedia Commons

While this is not the first thing people think of when trying to incorporate energy saving appliances in their homes, it is important all the same. Compared to the more traditional gas stove, electronic stoves are more energy efficient.

Hopefully, these have given you some ideas for how to enhance your home. For other ways to make your home more eco-friendly, check out these design tips and these clever ideas to go green.

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