450C Bukit Batok
by Starry Homestead Pte Ltd
Included in this package
Project Description
Sometimes style doesn’t necessary define by art, but it’s about the way to cater our needs. Here’s an example in this HDB 4 Bedroom locate in Bukit Batok. Simple white wood flooring and neutral palette wall has permeated the house with Scandinavian style. To reach owner’s request for dining area - allow to have quick casual meals and a space for friend’s gathering in same space, therefore customize bar counter was design beside dining table. To better serve its purpose, the counter also added in storage space for their snack and other food item.
Move on to the private chamber, there’s always a dilemma between luxurious bed space and functional working space in one room. To balance both, a Wall to wall platform structure bed is recommended. Double up platform not only serve as working space beside table top but also ideal storage spot when pull-out drawer installed beneath the bed.
Do you have issues such as unable to draw out when you are inspired with lots of idea? or have a bunch of to-do list but pin board is too small to fit in? Even you have a notebook to jot down all the things but you just too hurry to look back and check again. Magnetic chalk cabinet serve as dual-functionality, which it’s strategic position at cabinet that ease for writing yet provide a space to showcase decoration magnet.
Everyone has their own picture in their mind that inspire themselves, whether idol, an illustration or in this case – favourite scenery. Snow scene picture has been chosen from owner as wallpaper to become room theme. With the ambient lighting and soothing neutral tones, owner able to have a quick get away from hectic working days to her sanctuary.
About Starry Homestead Pte Ltd
Starry Homestead Pte is an innovative interior design firm founded in Singapore. Our mission is creating delicacy but intimacy, chic and modern living, working & relaxing environment with advanced material, designer’s unique sensibility and sense of beauty. Our professional design team pays attention to every client’s needs and preference, also the optimal balance between man and space, functionality and elegance, in the ways that bring a place of ease and comfort. With many of our experiences on projects including residential premises, commercial retail shops, and business offices, we have been established numerous and significant references to sustain the high quality of upcoming projects.
Committed to provide the best services, Starry Homestead is
✔️ HDB licensed
✔️ BCA licensed
✔️ RCMA (Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association) accredited
✔️ bizSAFE accredited
✔️ Awarded SME Prestige Award
✔️ Awarded Nippon Paint Designers of Choice
✔️ CaseTrust-RCMA
✔️ SPBA Prestige BrandAward
✔️ WEA Pulsar Category Award

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